
The Switch option type allows users to toggle a setting on or off, typically represented by a slider or switch button on the product page. This is useful for settings or features that customers can choose to enable or disable.

Basic Option Settings

1. Option Name

This is the internal name for the switch option within your app. It helps you organize and identify the option during setup but is not visible on the storefront.

2. Label on Product

This is the title displayed above the switch on the storefront product page. It helps customers understand what the switch controls or activates.

3. Label on Cart

This is the text shown on the cart summary, checkout, and order detail pages, next to the option value that the customer has selected. It should clearly describe the setting that was toggled.

4. Switch Value

The switch value represents the possible states of the switch (e.g., "On" and "Off"). This helps indicate to customers what the switch will enable or disable.

5. Default Status

This determines the initial state of the switch when the product page loads (e.g., "On" or "Off"). It sets the default behavior for customers, which can be altered before purchase.

6. Add-on Product

When enabled, this setting adds an additional charge to the product if the switch is turned on. It’s useful for optional features or upgrades that come at an extra cost.

7. Conditional Logic

This setting allows you to display the switch option only when certain conditions are met. It’s beneficial for creating a dynamic shopping experience, where certain options appear based on previous selections.

Advanced Option Settings

1. Required Field

If this setting is enabled, customers must interact with the switch before proceeding to checkout. It’s useful for ensuring that customers actively make a choice.

2. Hide "Label on Product"

When enabled, this hides the label above the switch on the product page. This is useful if the label is not necessary or if the context is clear from other elements on the page.

3. Tooltip

This setting provides a brief explanation when customers hover over an information icon next to the switch. It’s helpful for offering additional context without cluttering the interface.

4. Help Text

This setting appears below the switch on the product page and provides more detailed instructions or information about the option. This is useful for ensuring customers fully understand what the switch does.

5. Class Name

This allows you to assign a custom CSS class to the switch option, enabling you to style it according to your design preferences. It’s beneficial for maintaining a consistent visual style across your storefront.

Last updated