
The Heading option type allows you to add headings to your product page, which can help organize and structure the content by breaking it into clearly defined sections. This option is ideal for enhancing readability and guiding customers through the page.

Basic Option Settings

1. Option Name

The internal name used within your app to identify the Heading option. This helps with organizing and managing the headings during setup.

2. Content

This setting lets you specify the text for the heading. It allows you to define the main text that will appear as a heading on the product page.

3. Color

Allows you to choose the color of the heading text. This setting helps in customizing the appearance of the heading to match your design preferences.

4. Style

Defines the heading level (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6). This setting controls the size and importance of the heading, with Heading 1 being the largest and most prominent, and Heading 6 being the smallest.

5. Conditional Logic

Allows the heading to be displayed or hidden based on customer selections or other conditions. This ensures the heading appears only when relevant to the customer's choices or context.

Advanced Option Settings

1. Class Name

Assigns a custom CSS class to the Heading option, enabling you to apply specific styling or behavior through CSS. This helps in maintaining a consistent design and layout across your product pages.

Last updated