What to do if Avis options aren’t visible on Product Page?

If you find that the option set is not showing up on your storefront, please check the following points:

  1. App activation: Ensure that the Product Options Variant Option app is activated on your theme. To do this, access your theme editor (App embeds tab) and verify that the app is enabled.

  2. Option set application status: Confirm that your options set is correctly assigned to your test product(s). Double-check the product settings to ensure that they are active products and not viewed under the "Product Preview" mode.

If you have already checked the above 2 points, and your option set is still not appearing on the product page, it is possible that:

(1) there might be a conflict between the app and your theme

(2) you have installed and enabled multiple product options apps simultaneously

(3) there is a conflict with another existing app in your store. (If apps use the same resources, it often causes conflicts).

In such cases, please reach out to us for assistance. You can send your request to our email (help@avisplus.io) or message us through in-app Live Chat.

Our support team will be happy to assist you in resolving any conflicts or issues.

Last updated