Hide Add charge product from Storefront
Manage all Add charge options created with Avis - You can hide them from the store front if you want.
Last updated
Manage all Add charge options created with Avis - You can hide them from the store front if you want.
Last updated
Hide Add charge product from the All Collection Page
Step 1: Check for the "Avis-add-charge" Type in the Add charge product
When creating an Add charge product with Avis, our app will automatically generate the "Avis-add-charge" Type. Please check and add this Type to all Add Charge products you have created.
Step 2: Create a new collection without Avis Add charge products: "All products"
Step 2.1. From the Shopify admin page, click Products > Collections.
Step 2.2. In the Collection, create a new collection named “All products“.
Set the condition to remove products with the Product type “Avis-add-charge” as below: “Type” – “is not equal to” – “Avis-add-charge”.
Step 2.3. Scroll down to the Search engine listing preview part, and click Edit web SEO.
Step 2.4. In the URL handle field, enter “all“.
Step 2.5. Click Save to finish.
Hide Add charge product from the Search result in your storefront.
You can hide the Add charge product created by Avis Product Options by using this guideline from Shopify.