
The Divider option type allows you to add horizontal lines or dividers to your product page, helping to separate and visually organize different sections or elements. This enhances the layout by providing clear boundaries between content areas.

Basic Option Settings

1. Option Name

The internal name used within your app to identify the Divider option. This helps with organizing and managing dividers during setup.

2. Style

Determines the visual style of the divider. Options include:

  • Solid: A continuous, unbroken line.

  • Double: Two parallel lines with space between them.

  • Dashed: A line made up of short, evenly spaced dashes.

  • Dotted: A line made up of small, evenly spaced dots.

3. Color

Allows you to choose the color of the divider line. This setting helps in customizing the divider to fit your design preferences and maintain consistency with your brand.

4. Conditional Logic

Allows the divider to be displayed or hidden based on customer selections or other conditions. This ensures the divider appears only when relevant to the customer's choices or context.

Advanced Option Settings

1. Class Name

Assigns a custom CSS class to the Divider option, enabling you to apply specific styling or behavior through CSS. This helps in maintaining a consistent design and layout across your product pages.

Last updated