File Upload

The File Upload option type allows customers to upload files directly to your store, which is useful for products that require personalized images, documents, or other files. This option supports various file formats and includes additional customization settings.

Our File Upload feature offers:

  • Upload 1 file or multiple files per option with a limit of 20MB - 50MB - 100MB depending on the app plan you are using

  • Upload various kinds of files depending on customers' specific needs ( .jpeg/.jpg/ .png/.gif/.webp/.tif/.tiff/.ico/.csv/.docx/.pdf/.xls/.xlms/.xlsx/.txt/.svg/.ai/.eps/.psd/)

Basic Option Settings

1. Option Name

The internal name used to identify the File Upload option within your app’s settings. This name does not appear on the storefront product page but helps keep your options organized.

2. Label on Product

This is the text that appears above the File Upload button on the product page. It guides the customer on what type of file to upload, such as "Upload your image" or "Attach your document."

3. Label on Cart

The text that appears on the Cart summary screen, Checkout, and Order detail page, next to the uploaded file name. This ensures the file name is clearly associated with the customer's order.

4. Add-On Product

This feature allows you to apply an additional charge based on the uploaded file. For example, uploading a custom image for a product might incur an extra fee.

5. Conditional Logic

Set rules that determine when the File Upload option should be displayed or hidden based on other selections made by the customer. For instance, the option might only appear if a customer selects a specific product variant.

Advanced Option Settings

1. Required Field

This setting ensures that the customer must upload a file before proceeding with their purchase. If enabled, the File Upload option becomes mandatory.

2. Hide "Label on Product"

This option allows you to hide the label that typically appears above the File Upload button, streamlining the interface if the label is unnecessary.

3. Multiple Files

Allows customers to upload more than one file at a time. If this setting is enabled, the Image Cropper feature cannot be used.

4. Image Cropper

Provides an in-app tool for cropping images after upload. This feature only supports specific file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp, .ico, and .svg. Note that this feature is disabled if the Multiple Files setting is active.

5. Tooltip

Adds a small pop-up message with additional information or guidance when the customer hovers over the File Upload button. Useful for providing quick tips or file format requirements.

6. Help Text

Displays guidance or additional instructions below the File Upload button, helping customers understand the requirements for the upload, such as accepted file types or file size limits.

7. Class Name

Assigns a custom CSS class to the File Upload option, allowing for specific styling or behavior adjustments according to your design needs.

Last updated