Hidden field

The Hidden Field option type is used to include data that isn’t visible to customers on the product page but appears in the cart and order details. This is useful for adding hidden information or metadata that doesn’t require customer interaction but needs to be tracked through the purchasing process.

Basic Option Settings

1. Option Name

This is the internal name used within your app to identify the hidden field. It helps keep your options organized during setup but won’t be shown to customers.

2. Label on Cart

This label will appear next to the hidden field’s value in the cart summary, checkout, and order details, helping to identify the hidden information.

3. Default Value

This is the preset value that will automatically be included with the hidden field. It’s useful for consistently applying certain data across all orders without customer input.

4. Conditional Logic

Allows the hidden field to be applied only when specific conditions are met, based on other customer selections. This is useful for dynamically adding hidden data when certain criteria are fulfilled.

Advanced Option Settings

1. Class Name

Assigns a custom CSS class to the hidden field, allowing for specific styling or behavior management in the cart or order details.

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